Scientific partners2017-03-23T23:49:59+02:00

Tuscan-eating and talking sheep

//Scientific partners

Scientific partners

Three scientific partners have been involved in the project: the Sant’Anna School of Pisa, a public college with special status; the Interdepartmental Centre for Agri-Environmental Research (CIRAA) of the University of Pisa, the largest in Italy and among the largest in Europe and the Department of Sciences of the agricultural food production and the environment (DISPAA) of the University of Florence. Each of them deals with individual aspects of the project, then, will bring together their final results to get the best quality milk, much to the advantage of breeders and cheesemakers, and make an excellent-quality cheese that consumers will buy.

The Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa is a public college with special status which operates in the field of applied sciences with research activities characterized by a strong interdisciplinary nature. As part of Stilnovo, the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa will study  native species and pastures improvement to benefit milk quality by analyzing the relationship between agriculture and the environment, relying on a research group already active in the development cropping systems with reduced environmental impact, such as integrated and organic farming, and sustainable intensification of agricultural studies with emphasis on environmental protection, rural land management and agri-food production quality development and control.

The Interdepartmental Center of agro-environmental research (CIRAA) of the University of Pisa is the largest agronomical experimental center for in Italy and Europe. The Center will analyze the transformation process to make edible cheese crusts, relying on its expertise in low use of external inputs systems, tillage operations, “cover crops”, crop protection, organic farming, mechanization, breeding animal, food quality, biomass and bio-energy, economic and environmental impact studies.

The Department of sciences of food production and the environment (DISPAA) of the University of Florence was established from the merger of the Department of Agricultural Biotechnology (BOM) and the Department of crop production, soil and agro-forest environment (DiPSA). The scientific work is devoted to studying the productive and reproductive performance of animals in livestock production, animal feeding and evaluation of animal feed, preservation, dissemination and development of local animal germplasm, genetic improvement of livestock, to applied biotechnology livestock production, wildlife and its interactions with the territory, the ichthyofauna management, animal welfare, the characterization, assessment and traceability of fresh and processed animal products, aquaculture, organic livestock, beekeeping. Based on this experience, we will study how to improve bactofugazione milk as part of the Stilnovo project.

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