About us2017-03-24T16:12:43+02:00

We’ve brought a little taste of the Maremma to your plate for more than 50 years

/About us

About us

The Caseificio Sociale Manciano – Agricultural Company was founded in 1961 by 21 local breeders. What brought them together was their desire to enhance the production of sheep’s milk coming from the Maremma Grosseto area, where sheep farming has been one of the main sources of livelihood for centuries and has been handed down from generation to generation.

Today the Cheesemaking farm is made up of 250 dairy farming members of all sizes distributed between Manciano and neighboring municipalities and rely on 60,000 sheep that produce about 8 million liters of milk per year. Furthermore, it associates about ten breeders of dairy cattle, whose milk is used for the production of mixed cheese made from cow’s and sheep’s milk. The production, only made with milk from dairy farming members, is very diverse and known for its quality and authenticity. This is confirmed by our ‘classic’ fresh and matured cheeses, from Pecorino Toscano PDO, that highlights the Maremma’s unique flavors and the unique bond with this land, to the most delicious and refined cheeses, the result of continuous investment in improving our product and being able to meet special demands, for those with food intolerances too. Let’s not forget about our ricotta, which has been appreciated since ancient times for its unique sweetness and taste

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